A scheduled contact, where two interested stations arrange in advance the frequency, timing, transmission mode, e. Telegraphy, SSB or MGM and call signs to be used. Scheduling may be carried out by exchange of letters or e-mail, by radio via the European VHF Net on 13MHz, by Internet chat -rooms, packet-radio etc. The main category is Chat dedicated to ham radio that is about ham radio chat , cb radio chat. A: This is a problem with the cluster you use via the chat.
The problem is not the KST2Me or the chat. Alain will then contact the system operator of the DX cluster. You can chose to wait until the connection is OK again or via the web chat change the DX cluster your spots are sent through. DX de Freq DX Flags Comments UTC Date Band Mode Valid. Starting with the chat messages only, a DX window was added followed by a configurable DX map, iono data, solar indices and several tools.
I think you do this because you have seen messages to you and other stations begin with (CALL). ON4KST Chat Highlighted Messages Help. Posts about on4kst written by GI7UGV. DX Spots Time vs Bands. Blowtorch comes with default buttons, which are useless for On4KST.
No problem just create a new button set and if you dont want to display any buttons, done define any. In my screenshot below I defined one button called USERS which outputs the following command when presses SH US, this provides a list of current logged on users. Plus you can talk rigs, antennas, accessories, you name it.
I have been using the W3XTT call sign. KST is a chat for Amateur Radio to arrange contacts in the higher bands of the spectrum where random contacts are rare or impossible due to the very narrow beamwidth of the antennas. CQ 1Committee Wrestles With Contest Internet Chat Dispute By Jamie Dupree NS3T, radio-sport. It is free and must stay free.
Choice 2: The advertissement is the solution. Website of Butler County VHF Association, Ohio. I agree to have banners on screen. Contact DXMAPS webmaster This website uses cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about the use of our site (never private information) with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you have provided.
Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. Resources listed under chat category belongs to Internet and Radio main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Thanks for your support!
SN7L - VHF Contest team updated their cover. Back in my younger days. Velkommen til NAC Contest robotten. Midwest 70cm Net (N4PZ) - Monday and Thursday - 432.
Sunday: East Coast VHF Society Sunday Morning Net, at 10:30am Local Time on 144. User-friendly, reliable and feature-rich live chat software. No Credit Card Required. I also think there is a net out your way. Look forward to working you when the band opens up again.
W may be based on reported EIRP at the time of a QSO. This NEW chat room was brought about by KC9BQA and a group of Hams in Wisconsin conducting a 2m SSB Net on wed nights (see KC9BQA.com). Following on from the successful addition of Reverse Beacon Monitoring etc.
This is a very popular chat service with a discussion board for all interests. Very popular with VHF operators and LF operators alike. WSPR Map There are WSPR propagation beacons on both and 1MHz.
This is the center of activity when an Es opening is anticipated on 1MHz.
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