The country codes can be represented either as a two-letter code ( alpha-) which is recommended as the general purpose code ,. Updated list of country codes. Overzicht van de ISO codes én telefoonnummers van alle 2landen in de wereld. Use the following country names and codes when you work with the country fields through Zuora APIs. The 2-letter codes shown below are supplied by the ISO ( International Organization for Standardization ). It bases its list of country names and abbreviations on the list of names published by the United Nations. The UN also uses 3-letter codes , and numerical codes to identify nations,.
Vind de beste selectie iso codes landen fabrikanten en ontdek goedkope producten van hoge kwaliteit iso codes landen voor de dutch luidspreker markt bij alibaba. This data is also available through the GeoIP_country_continent array in the C API. The international two letter country code ( ISO alpha-2) is used in the Internet as the country code Top Level Domain identifiers (ccTLDs). Except for the euro, which appears first in any list, the currencies of the Member States should be presented in alphabetical order of their codes. They are otherwise in agreement.
The link above is to the EU VAT codes. The two-letter country abbreviation for Guernsey is GG, the three-letter code is GGY. Country-specific domains ending with. The FedEx website uses cookies, including third party cookies, to improve functionality and your surfing experience, for web analytics and targeted marketing. By continuing to browse this website without changing your web-browser cookie settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
ISOlandcodes zijn op deze pagina overzichtelijk in een tabel getoond. Dit overzicht is handig wanneer u met Excel E-Maps gaat werken. The prefixes enable direct dialing to the country that has been dedicated the specific prefix. Im ISO Standard 6sind Abkürzungen für Länder definiert, die jeweils aus zwei Großbuchstaben bestehen.
Sie finden in HTML auch als Toplevel-Domain Verwendung. Volg deze richtlijnen wanneer u wordt gevraagd een lijst met landen op te geven in het Partnercentrum of in een spreadsheet: Geef voor afzonderlijke landen de tweeletterige ISO - code op. Many other country codes are from statoids.

Special thanks to Gwillim Law for his excellent statoids. The following codes are those used by Firefox and other web browsers to indicate to web servers which languages they are prepared to accept. Web servers can make decisions on which content to serve based on these codes. Thank you very much for this contribution.
Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Controleer alstublieft de ISO 6Codetabellen voor meer en meest recente informatie over taalcodes. ISO landen code landnaam (volledig ) Alf. Bijvoorbeeld de landcodes van Belgià en Engeland en de landcode van Ierland.
Assume the ISO alpha-value will be ‘FRI’ and the ISO alpha-value will be ‘FA’. The country code table includes the WITS System country names for statistical purposes and both the International Standards Organization ( ISO ) 3-digit alphabetic codes and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 3-digit equivalent numeric codes. The names and codes are used in all of the three databases. Die Codes bestehen aus zwei Teilen, die durch einen Bindestrich voneinander getrennt sind.
Download data tables in csv (excel) and json formats. Currently for Pakistan,. Composition of a country code list. For international calling codes , most countries have two-digit country codes. ISO - Code , lan landen , Munteenheden, valuta.
SEPA is an initiative by the European Union. SEPA payments are free and this has been a great boost to international business in Europe. Europe, Middle East, and Africa are the regions that make up the broader EMEA region. In this article we provide you with the complete list of EMEA countries that make up this region.
Maar in het geval er nieuwe landen bij komen, dan komt het voor dat u handmatig een nieuw land moet toevoegen. De officiële naam van het land dat u wilt toevoegen, in alle ondersteunde talen. Bekijk het -artikel van het land als u twijfels heeft.
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