Billie Eilish and you by bilsmydrugg (Bilsmydrugg) with 1reads. So, I deleted the notice as I finished the chapter! Warning that will be on most chapters- mild language! Dan’s parents drove him to school today.
Pretty unusual to be fair. But by far the most unusual thing about the day was Phil’s absence. The angel had never missed a day of school, for illness, or just for skiving.
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years. Need a place to hide, but I can’t find one near. Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear.
Isn’t it lovely , all alone ? Heart made of glass, my mind of stone. Tear me to pieces, skin to bone. V1Pl8CzNzCwlist=RDV1Pl8CzNzC. In the mood to scream this out the car windows on a night drive but I guess internally bopping on the subway will have. Probably would have found them all if I was alone ” Steve grumble flicking through a page of his book in boredom.
Her throat closing slightly as she fights the tears back again for the second time that week. I don’t need you” she said standing up. And that being alone is her safe place where she knows she is not gonna get hurt.

Currently has 525notes. I was just testing stuff out so I hope you. Jeongin said with a chuckle. Chan smiled at him, nodding. Muhammad isn’t “altogether lovely” in Song of Solomon.
I have yet to see any evidence that Islam is a true faith let alone. This is my sona, Rhaina. Used for the basis of all my art purposes, she has now been drawn as a badass punk chick in a hoody and revealing clothes. I had real issues with this particular drawing. Anyway, this story is based off of the song ‘ lovely ’ by Billie Ellish- an amazing song :p.

The lyrics won’t be in order either, they’re just title names and yeah. There’s not really anything else to say really except enjoy! Ps imma work really hard on this but if it flops, that’s cool cool cool :D See you in the first chapter! Vasilisa Darya Kozlov, veinte años de eda campista proveniente de Bielorrusia.
He was slightly nervous, of course. I mean, who wouldn’t be when attending their crushes’ house for the first time. There was nothing Phil could do to stop him harming.

Phil didn’t understand the consequences of him leaving Dan. All he knew, is that he was happy. Dan was alone this time. The pain in his chest when he just thought about Phil.
The emotional draining to do the easiest of activities. Or we could sit and do nothing at all. Just sit and silently share space. Two people who enjoy their own and so each other’s company. Or if that doesn’t work, I will be content to sit alone and listen and feel and gaze and wonder and simply be.
Alone , and not a bit lonely. We all know youre not lucky enough. Isnt it lovely to sleep in your bed at night, wishing that some sort of hope floats your way?
To see that he was happier without you?
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