The server version information includes community or enterprise accordingly. Extensions to SHOW Statements”. For SHOW VARIABLES, a LIKE clause, if present, indicates which variable names to match. A WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions, as discussed in Section 25.

If the database service runs in the same system this will also print the server version too. But before we move to the procedures that how to check its version. Then you may see output similar to this.
Linux (x86_64) using readline 5. There are two parts to this tutorial. Secondly, I am also going to show you how to setup SSH on your local machine so that you can use short aliases to connect to remote machines. SHOW CHARACTER SET SHOW COLLATION SHOW COLUMNS SHOW DATABASES SHOW FUNCTION STATUS SHOW INDEX SHOW OPEN TABLES SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS SHOW STATUS SHOW TABLE STATUS SHOW TABLES SHOW TRIGGERS SHOW VARIABLES.
The WHERE clause, if present, is evaluated against the column names displayed by the SHOW statement. The Server version number can be read as minor release number 7. SHOW ENGINES output has these columns: Engine. This statement is similar to SHOW PROCEDURE CODE but for stored functions. What is the difference between show variables and show status? SHOW STATUS provides server status information like Connections, Opened_tables, Bytes_receive Bytes_sent, etc.
MySQL : SHOW FUNCTION CODE. I suck at preg_match and it would be helpful if someone could modify the string here to stand the test of time. How do I show the list of databases on my server? Is there any good GUI frontend exists for the same purpose?
You can use the mysql command to connect to mysql server and list available databases. Meet The Overflow, a newsletter by developers, for developers. Fascinating questions, illuminating , and entertaining links from around the web. The first one includes accessing your account over SSH.
The nixCraft takes a lot of my time and hard work to produce. Make sure you are using the latest production version if similar bugs have recently been fixed. Read our tips on how to report a bug. Here is the output of the above command when I ran the same on my version of MariaDB which is 10. I also realized that InnoDB is a default database engine for MariaDB because it supports transactions, foreign keys, and row-level locking.
It is one of the most widely used open-source database systems, and is compatible with a multitude of website applications. Now we will run or show tables query in this example. We can also use SHOW TABLES which is uppercase version and have same affect with lowercase version. Do not skip to add semicolon to the end of the command. Why would you want this?
Create a database on the sql server. It uses a relational database and SQL (Structured Query Language) to manage its data. The short version of the installation is simple: update your package. All Version Information.

Then activate the plugin in the plugin panel. Time: The time, in seconds, that the process has remained in its current state. State: The action, state, or event of the process. This column displays NULL for the SHOW PROCESSLIST state.
This latest version together with the previous versions are available for download at this link.
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